Published on February 23, 2005 By Jamie Burnside In Sports & Leisure

This morning as I was driving into work, I heard excerpts of Barry Bonds' press conference.  I have been thinking about it all day, and it has been making me a bit angry.

What I gleaned by listening to it was: it is the media's fault that athletes are getting caught "making mistakes", and that he must be doing something right because 50,000 fans show up to "boo" him each night.

I think that Barry Bonds is making a mistake that a number of overpushed "heel" pro wrestlers make.  Bonds is mistaking "go away heat" for "heel heat."  To explain: "heel heat" is the audience playing-along by booing the wrestlers whom they're supposed to boo.  "Go away heat" is when the crowd expresses honest disapproval when they think that the offending wrestler should go away, retire, or freshen-up his act.

Are American baseball crowds really booing Barry Bonds for fun, or are they booing him because he's cheating?  (Maybe it will be good for business.  I'd consider buying a ticket so I could chant "Steroids!" along with everyone else in the stadium. ) 

I hope that Bonds has enough sense to retire before he breaks/taints Hank Aaron's homerun record.  We don't need a homerun king for the ages with an asterisk next to his name.

on Feb 24, 2005
I haven't decided what he should do about this situation. He's obviously unrepentant (as I said on my blog) and not going to stop anytime soon. I think MLB should get a steroid detection system (involving a nuclear warhead, thank you Battlestar Galactica revisited).

How come all us Minnesotans are banding together here? The only way you saw a game in the Metrodoome is as a Minnesotan. No one goes there who isn't a Twins fan. The Twins are not a team people come to Minneapolis to see.