January 16, 2007
Published on January 17, 2007 By Jamie Burnside In Entertainment

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Last night we were having some issues.  The MOXI DVR (like a TiVo) at our house is broken.  (Cable guy just called and said that he'll be to our house within 20 minutes.)  We had to watch the show real-time, fuzzy, with all of the commercials, and with two small children causing numerous distractions.

Thankfully we will be able to watch the show tonight AFTER the kids go to bed.  I'll tell you: those DVRs really change a person's television viewing habits.  I'd recommend one to any family who doesn't want to live according to the TV schedule, or one that would appreciate not having to watch commercials.

Considering my "issues" last night, I will give a briefer-than-usual summary of last night's program.

Contestants who made impressions:

At the end of last night's show, the reported that only seventeen contestants from Minneapolis made it to Hollywood.  Very few of those who "made it" weren't exactly featured on TV. 

Denise Jackson:  Self-proclaimed 16 year-old "crack baby" looked and sounded much older than she actually is.  I was impressed with her style and personality.  Seems like an early fan-favorite.

Perla Meneses: Made it to America from what I am guessing is Central America (Guatemala, Belize, Honduras.)  -Did anyone catch where she was from?  Perla has lots of appeal.  Pretty, nice personality, and can kind of sing.  I am not sure whether she'll make it past the Hollywood round, but I am sure that she'll have her fans.

Jarrod Fowler:  Won a contest on an aircraft carrier to get on the show.  Stuff like that is better than a paid commercial for the armed forces.  His singing was good, and he may be interesting enough to move on.

Matt Sato:  A high-schooler with a nice, theatrical voice.  He seems good enough to move to the next round, but he seems to be missing the "X" factor.  Maybe I'll be proven wrong. . .

Rachel Jenkins:  Husband is in Iraq.  Wore her army uniform to her audition.  I always wonder why people like to wear their uniforms to their auditions.  It comes off as a little too "Price is Right" to me.  Of course like I said earlier: good pub for the armed forces.

Sarah Krueger: Pretty, black haired girl from Wisconsin.  Seems to be the most promising contestant from episode one.  I'd bet that she'll make it to at least the first telephone round.

Besides the ones I've mentioned, the rest were mainly a bunch of clowns.  Good show.  Let's see what the have on tonight.

on Jan 17, 2007
I was surprised at the "lack of talent" in the auditions so far. From 10,000 people only taking 17 seems shocking to me. Especially because the hollywood round tends to be larger. I was also impressed with Denise but Perla did less than interest me. I think Jarrad will be an easy favorite and have good appeal just because I think the public will want him to advance. Will be interested to see what tonight has to offer. As a musician I always find myself to be very critical but my roommate last night proved to be more critical than me.
