I am excited.
Published on June 6, 2004 By Jamie Burnside In Entertainment

Hello there friends.  This is a quick little blog entry about the fourth series of "Coupling" which airs tonight on BBCAmerica at 8PM Central.  (When I first heard that the fourth series would begin, I wrote a weblog about that too.  Here it is  for those of you who may have missed it.)

I have been a pretty avid viewer of the show since it began airing here (in the US) a few years ago.  The writing is fantastic, the characters are interesting (and handsome/ beautiful.)  It is the most interesting program that I have seen on television in many years.  I am looking forward to seeing what sort of character development will occur in the new series.

I have just prepared my compilation video, so I can save the show for posterity:

Welcome back Jeff, Steve, Patrick, Susan, Jane, and Sally!

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