Hello there. Happy after-Thanksgiving to all of you!

We all went home pretty stuffed last night. It was hard to think about food until this morning came.

Right after we woke up today, we brought Kenny to the doctor. He and his mother were due for their two-week check-up. Mom and baby are doing very well! It is nice to hear good news. After the appointment, we went back home to pick up grandma (Kazuko's mom,) and we had lunch at Perkins, and then we went shopping at Cub Foods.

At Perkins, I ate the honey-mustard chicken sandwich. If any of my dear readers find themselves at Perkins at any time in the near future: I recommend that sandwich. It was yummy.

Now that we're home, we will spend the rest of the day relaxing. I rented some Japanese videos from a store in Saint Paul that we'll watch today. We're going to watch "Karakuri Telebi," and "Sekai Maru-mie." That should be fun for us.

My mom and dad are (of course) shopping. My mom really enjoys shopping on the day after Thanksgiving.They're much braver shoppers than I. Personally, I prefer shopping in stores with few customers. My mom likes the crowds and excitement.

Anyway, here's a picture of Kazuko and Kenny that we took before we went to the doctor. Our friend Nancy knitted the sweater herself. She is a prolific knitter.

Have a happy day!

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