Published on November 30, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Home & Family
Hello there!

I have had a nice relaxing evening. I had a chance to take some pictures of Kenny, Mommy, and myself. Here is what our little friend looks like at the age of seventeen-days:

The first picture is one of Kenny with wide-open eyes as he lays on the changing table. (Thanks for the table Isabel!)

The next picture is of Kenny and Kazuko sleeping together in front of the television. Poor Kazuko is so tired from feeding the baby every two-to-three hours.

The next three pictures are of Kenny and I together. It is so nice to see that he can look around and begin to recognize faces and objects. It is so cool to watch him look at stuff!

on Nov 30, 2003
What a beautiful baby! Oh I remember those days like it was yesterday. Today, November 30, is my oldest's 7th birthday. It flies by so fast! I bet you can see Kenny changing every day. I remember how tiring it was to feed the little guy every 2 hrs (first one was like clock work). They change quickly. Soon he will be awake a lot more, eating and pooping less often and interacting a lot more. It is all so wonderful!

Best wishes!