Hope that the rabbits don't become a problem!
Published on June 27, 2004 By Jamie Burnside In Pets & Nature

On April 30th I wrote an article about seeing a bunny in the yard.  It was a big one!

Since then, I have seen that bunny (and another one) hanging around in various places in my yard.

Today as I was mowing the lawn, another little guy ran out of the bushes as I was walking past.  I followed him around the house, and caught up with the little one next to my garage.  (For some reason, rabbits like to hang out along the north side of my garage.)

I was able to get a couple of pictures of it before he got away.  He's awfully cute!

I hope that the rabbits don't cause too much of a problem in my yard!  I suppose that if they do, we'll have to get a dog.  That wouldn't be a bad thing I suppose.  I like dogs.

on Jun 28, 2004

I have 4 dogs and the rabbits still run wild  

I just let the rabbits roam.  Feeding them in the winter keeps them from eating your plants.  They may eat your garden, though unless you fence it.