Published on October 4, 2004 By Jamie Burnside In Politics

This morning I heard some political spinners referring to John Edwards (numerous times in one statement) as a "trial lawyer."  Is referring to someone numerous times as a "trail lawyer" really effective at putting them in a negative-light? 

I suppose that this pejorative had been run through a number of focus groups, and the spinners determined that it would be a proper disparagement for this guy.  I suppose that if that's the worst that someone could call Edwards, he's doing pretty well.

What could we call the other guys that may strike a similar chord with the voting public?

Maybe we could call John Kerry and Dick Cheney: "Washington Insiders!" and "Party Apparatchicks."

I have heard the term "Washington Liberal" bandied about Kerry's way.

What can I come up with for Bush?  ...Hmmm.

How about "Meat Puppet?"

on Oct 04, 2004
Criticizing John Edwards

I like his show 'Crossing Over with John Edwards'.

- GX
on Oct 04, 2004
Is referring to someone numerous times as a "trail lawyer" really effective at putting them in a negative-light?

Technically, no. But in my mind, yes. And after having read through Edwards's cases, with two exceptions, I'd simply call him a sleazy lawyer. Would that put him in a negative light?

on Oct 04, 2004
I like his show 'Crossing Over with John Edwards'.

- GX

Hear here, myself, I agree 100%.

- GX
on Oct 04, 2004
Edwards - say he's a trial lawyer.
Bush - there's endless shit here.
Kerry - flip-flopper.
Cheney - mention Halliburton + see Bush.