Published on December 14, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Current Events
It seems that the news outlets in the US are going wall-to-wall with the capture of Saddam Hussein. That was a surprise, wasn't it? (Didn't Hussein look like Ted Kaszynsky upon capture?)

Of course with the coverage, there is the obligitory footage of people firing guns into the air in celebration. I'll tell you what: I really don't think that's a good way to celebrate. It is bad for the hearing of the onlookers, as well as dangerous for whoever may be in the path of the bullet as it falls to the ground.

So here I am taking a stand: I don't think that people should fire guns into the air. Forgive me for being so contraversial...
on Dec 14, 2003
You have to keep in mind that the people of Iraq are still living back in the days of the "Wild Wild West" eventually they will have new laws in place to control the celebrating by random gun shooting. The'll probably take their firecrackers and sparklers all away too. GCJ
on Dec 15, 2003
And what if the gun backfired! It could blow off the fingers of that poor person, and what if they were a pianist, or a violinist?

Firing guns into the air is a direct assault on the fine arts!

on Dec 19, 2003
I don't think you have to worry about sensitive artist firing guns. However, the provocative image of Saddam in a silly hat firing a rifle into the air is symbolic of Iraqi mentality. Ironically now that he's captured they fire guns to celebrate that he can no longer fire guns into the air and worse, into people.