Published on November 26, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Home & Family
Tomorrow we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. It is an American holiday that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. The holiday is related to European settlers coming to the United States. It is used to commemorate a shared feast between the Indians and the Pilgrims in the early days of settlement. (There are also some troublesome issues of perspective, but I choose not to discuss them here.)

My family will get together to have a special dinner at my grandmother's house. Typical Thanksgiving dishes include: turkey, potatoes and gravy (meat sauce,) pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, and stuffing. (Stuffing is seasoned bread that is cooked inside of the turkey. Like soft croutons.)

After Thanksgiving dinner some families enjoy spending time together playing games, or talking. Other families really enjoy watching football games on television. The Dallas Cowboys and Detroit Lions have games every year on Thanksgiving.

The day after Thanksgiving is a big day for Christmas shopping. Lots of stores have big sales to entice people to come early and buy lots of gifts for Christmas. The Christmas season is very important for retailers (stores) in America because the sales during this season help sustain the business during the slower winter months.

I like Thanksgiving. I know that there is a similar holiday in Canada. I think that it is also called "Thanksgiving", but is celebrated at a slightly different date (maybe in December...)

Now we will go grocery shopping. I hope that you have a happy day. Thanks for reading.
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