Published on November 24, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Movies & TV & Books
Hey friends!

Tonight is the Joe Millionaire finale. Yay! Is it going to be Linda? Is it going to be Cat? I have no idea... Frankly, I am sad to see Petra gone because she was my favorite. If they have a special twist to the ending, I hope that it involves Petra somehow. She seemed to be the only one who cared about David more than the alleged money.

Fortunately, I will be able to watch that show tonight. Parent-teacher conferences are running today from one to nine. Luckily enough for me, all of my conferences are finished by four. (I will have a twelve-hour day tomorrow though...) I didn't schedule it that way, it was just the luck of the draw for me. Anyway, I will be able to be home at my regular time today.

Yesterday I brought my father-in-law to the airport. He went back to Japan. Kazuko received a call this morning that because of bad weather, they had to land in Alaska before continuing to Japan. My poor father-in-law had to stay in a hotel overnight once they arrived in Japan. I hope that he isn't too exhausted once he returns to work on Tuesday.

In sumo news: Tochiazuma won the Kyushuu tournament yesterday! I wonder whether he can put two wins together so that he can become yokozuna. Yesterday's match between Kaio and Chiyotaikai was awfully exciting too. I can hardly wait for the next grand sumo tournament to begin in January!

That's all for today! Thanks for reading.
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