Published on November 22, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Home & Family
Hello there!

Big news for us! The first thing is that we have finally gotten our computer back. I am posting pictures that I have taken of Kentaro and myself that were taken a few hours ago. As of today, Kentaro is nine days old. He is getting cuter and cuter every day.

It is so surprising that as I return home from work each day, he looks like a different person. I am so happy to see that he is getting bigger and bigger.

The second piece of good news is that I have gotten my new glasses. I really like them. You can see them on the first picture. They're probably the mosy stylish things that I have ever purchased.

Take a look at my pictures and enjoy!

Bye! Jamie

Here is a picture of me and Kenny. You can see my new glasses here. Doctor Andy Mattson did my eye exam. He is my bestest friend. He can make good glasses for you too if you'd like.

Here is Kenny-kun, awake and alert. He is so cute!

This is what Kentaro looks like on a daily basis:

Here is my little buddy when he is sleepy...

Here is as close to a picture of a smiling baby as I could get.

on Nov 22, 2003
What a gorgeous baby. Congratulations!!!
on Nov 22, 2003
cute baby...congrats..may his whole life prosper
on Nov 22, 2003
I just love my little nephew!!! Thanks for keeping me updated, I can't wait to come home and see him! And Jamie, nice glasses!! I need some new ones when I get home, you think Andy could help me out? Bye bye for now.
on Nov 24, 2003
He's a cute little guy! But, where are his hands? LOL