Published on November 21, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Home & Family
Happy Friday Everybody!

Today is the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. On Monday and Tuesday I will have conferences so it isn't like a week off, but the students will have a nice long break.

Last year I taught my students a lot of stuff about Thanksgiving. I had accumulated a lot of good materials to use to teach about the holiday. A few minutes ago, I realized that I had forgotten to teach any Thanksgiving-related stuff to the kids this year. I must have been too preoccupied with the baby, Kazuko's parents, conferences, and other things. Next year I will have to make a point of it to teach my Thanksgiving lessons.

I went to see my friend Andy the eye doctor yesterday. My old glasses broke, so I needed a new pair. I drove to the mall where Andy works, and I had my eye exam. During the eye exam, Andy dialated my eyes. I have never had that done before! Anyway, the problem came when I was driving home. The mall where Andy works was in an unfamiliar part of town, so I wasn't quite sure how to get to the road that goes back to my house. I had a map in my car, but I couldn't read it because my eyes were dialated. I ended up doing a couple of u-turns before I figured out how to get to the highway that I needed.

Dialated eyes are a funny thing. I could see well enough to drive, but I couldn't read the map in my car. Next time I do that, I will need to have Kazuko come with me. (She can't drive or leave the house quite yet though. The baby is still too little.)

So today will be like a big finished-business day. I will go to pick up my repaired computer after work. Then I will drive out to the mall to pick up my new glasses. (The new glasses are REALLY cool. They're the nicest ones that I have seen. I will put a picture of them on here on Saturday or Sunday -depending on how quickly we can get our computer re-hooked up.)

Kazuko and Kentaro are doing well. Kazuko is moving around and feeding the baby well. I think that she is gradually becoming ready to survive without the pain medication that she is taking. Kentaro is eating, pooping, growing, grunting, squeaking, squirming, and sleeping. The other good news is that Kentaro is awake more than before, so I get to play with him when his eyes are open and he's alert.

Okay my friends, thanks for reading! Have a nice day and an awesome weekend!
on Nov 21, 2003
It's a shame you cant teach the kids the REAL history of Amricans and American Indians.