So recently my computer broke down.  How sad.  It took a few days (plus the help of my uncle) to get it up and running again.

While my computer was down, I received a 3 in 1 digital camera/ webcam in the mail.  I brought it to work and played around with a bit on my computer here.  I downloaded the device driver and a few of the components from the CD that came with the camera, but not all of them.

Yesterday, I got my repaired computer back.  I was really excited to hook up my new digital camera to my computer.

As I was installing my computer, somehow the CD with the device driver and accessories fell on the floor.  As I continued working, I accidentally knelt on the CD (which I hadn't noticed had fallen.)  I cracked the CD!  It isn't useable any more!

I wanted to cry!  I have my computer, my digital camera, but no device driver.  How sad.

I contacted the lady who I bought the camera from, and she said that she'll try to burn a copy of the accessories disk.  Let's hope that she's successful!

on Dec 08, 2004
You could try going to the camera manufacturers website, I would expect them to have the driver downloadable from there.
on Dec 08, 2004

Yeah I thought of that too, but the camera's manufacturer is named "Premium."

If you do a Google search for "Premium 3 in 1 Digital Camera" you'll understand my problem.  There are THOUSANDS of hits on that set of words.

Looking through the manual, there isn't an alternate name.  The model number also doesn't work on Google searches.  The model number is 370-100K

on Dec 08, 2004
Danny beat me to it. Most of the time you can find the most recent version of software on the website. I usually look there before I even try the CD as the contents of the disc may be outdated.

BTW I loved the title. Took me a second to get, then it hit and I couldn't help but laugh.
on Dec 08, 2004
And now I see my response is even more useless. Oh well. Best of luck!
on Dec 08, 2004
ive run into this problem before.  if there's no other identification apparent, you might try carefully disassembling it (i've yet to find one that consisted of anything so complex it couldnt be very easily put back together) and looking at the ic board for the fcc id or somethin similar.
on Dec 11, 2004
I am the person who sold you the camera. The programs on the CD are by uLead. They do have a website, if you can figure out what to download. I have tried (as I told you last night) to copy the CD but it autostarts everytime I try to access it. If anyone knows how to copy a CD let me know.
on Dec 11, 2004

If anyone knows how to copy a CD let me know.

first of all, disable the autoplay function (check your windows help file for instructions)   make sure to select the option that makes an exact copy of the original cd.

on Dec 11, 2004

Problem is solved!  I bought a new camera at K-mart.

Thanks for the help everyone!