So recently my computer broke down. How sad. It took a few days (plus the help of my uncle) to get it up and running again.
While my computer was down, I received a 3 in 1 digital camera/ webcam in the mail. I brought it to work and played around with a bit on my computer here. I downloaded the device driver and a few of the components from the CD that came with the camera, but not all of them.
Yesterday, I got my repaired computer back. I was really excited to hook up my new digital camera to my computer.
As I was installing my computer, somehow the CD with the device driver and accessories fell on the floor. As I continued working, I accidentally knelt on the CD (which I hadn't noticed had fallen.) I cracked the CD! It isn't useable any more!
I wanted to cry! I have my computer, my digital camera, but no device driver. How sad.
I contacted the lady who I bought the camera from, and she said that she'll try to burn a copy of the accessories disk. Let's hope that she's successful!