The day after Thanksgiving, my wife and I went Christmas shopping with our friends Rob and Yukari.  That day wasn't very productive as far as buying any gifts, but my wife and I got something nice for ourselves.

One of the kiosks at the Mall of America was selling a game system that featured the older titles from the Super Nintendo game system.  My wife (who grew up in Japan) was familiar with a lot of the games, and those that she didn't know, I did.

We are enjoying such games as: Mario Brothers, Popeye, Dig Dug, Lode Runner, Bomberman, Tetris, and Donkey Kong Junior.

One of the games that really impressed me was Super Mario Brothers.  I still remember my late junior high school/ early high school days spent playing that game.  (Hell, I even played it in college!) It seemed really "state of the art" at the time.  The character moved from left to right, and the screen changed!  There were a lot of options and possibilities in that game!  Amazing!

(It sure doesn't compare to "Ape Escape 2", "Dark Cloud", or "Madden 2005", does it?)

Here's a picture of Super Mario:



Here's one for those of you who like the baby pictures:

on Dec 10, 2004
Oldies but goodies.

Your baby is so sweet.
on Dec 11, 2004

Having some fun with SMB too. Playing with my brand new Xbox converted to PC controller on my computer.
on Dec 11, 2004
Super Mario is classic! Nothing beats playing the 2-D games. (although some 3-D games are awesome, like Metal Gear 3)

My favorite level on Mario 3 is the battle level with all the tanks. It's fun!

Has anyone ever played the SM: The Lost Levels?
on Dec 12, 2004
I did. It's pretty hard.