The day after Thanksgiving, my wife and I went Christmas shopping with our friends Rob and Yukari. That day wasn't very productive as far as buying any gifts, but my wife and I got something nice for ourselves.
One of the kiosks at the Mall of America was selling a game system that featured the older titles from the Super Nintendo game system. My wife (who grew up in Japan) was familiar with a lot of the games, and those that she didn't know, I did.
We are enjoying such games as: Mario Brothers, Popeye, Dig Dug, Lode Runner, Bomberman, Tetris, and Donkey Kong Junior.
One of the games that really impressed me was Super Mario Brothers. I still remember my late junior high school/ early high school days spent playing that game. (Hell, I even played it in college!) It seemed really "state of the art" at the time. The character moved from left to right, and the screen changed! There were a lot of options and possibilities in that game! Amazing!
(It sure doesn't compare to "Ape Escape 2", "Dark Cloud", or "Madden 2005", does it?)
Here's a picture of Super Mario:
Here's one for those of you who like the baby pictures: