A few weeks ago, my mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas.  It took me a while to come up with something that I thought I "needed."  Eventually I remembered that my computer's printer was basically shot, so I asked for a new printer.

Well I got my new printer, and I am having a lot of fun with it.  As I was playing with it, I found a port in the front.

It seemed as if the port would accomodate the digital-camera memory card from my video camera.  I plugged it in and viola: now I can finally get those pictures from the memory card onto my computer.  (I can even clear the memory card once I have downloaded the pictures.

This will make getting photographs from my video camera a lot easier than what I had been doing in the past.  Videotaping, capturing with one program, and then condensing with another.  The process has been streamlined.  Yay!

Now that I have finally cleared out the old photos: Here are three pictures from my January 2001 wedding in Toyokawa-city Japan, and honeymoon in the city Gujou-Hachiman  in Gifu Japan.  (We had lots and lots of snow up there in the mountains!)

on Dec 26, 2004
Sounds like a great christmas present. Looks like someone enjoyed the snow
on Dec 27, 2004
Kaco is such a beautiful Bride.