Hi there friends!
The biggest news is that the baby will be coming tomorrow! How exciting! The time really flies by between the time we found out about it and the time that he arrives. It has been really hard to concentrate on my work during these past two days. An impending delivery is a really big thing to be preoccupied with.
I hope to be able to post a picture of the baby on this very weblog tomorrow evening or on Thursday. It depends on when I am around my computer next.
I suppose that all I have left to do is prepare. I need to get a few things ready to keep myself busy while I am at the hospital. I think that I will do some crosswords and continue reading the fourth Harry Potter book.
Kazuko has been doing a lot of cleaning, but I will try to do my best to keep our house welcoming while our respective parents stay at our house. I really enjoy having guests. It gives me a chance to use the bedrooms upstairs!
Besides all of that, I don't know what I am going to do tonight. Probably relax, watch Crank Yankers, watch sumo, eat dinner, stuff like that...
Kazuko and I bought six new CDs using our Best Buy Rewards coupons. I am looking forward to listening to the new "Blue Man Group," "Tom Jones," and "Joni Mitchell" CDs that we bought. (The other three were instrumental relaxation CDs for Kazuko to enjoy while she's staying in the hospital.)
Have a happy day. Thanks for reading!