Today was the last day of the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament from Tokyo, Japan. The winner of the tournament with an impressive perfect record was Yokozuna Asashoryu. Other notable occurences were: Tochiazuma's earning of another Ozeki promotion, Hakuho's 9 win performance at Komosubi, and the possible Spring-tournament promotion to Sanyaku of Kotooshu.
So to commemorate the end of the first tournament of the year, I decided to rearrange (and add to) some of my sumo memorobelia that I have on the wall of my computer room. I moved some of my handprints, I added a picture roster (e-banzuke), and I hung up two calligraphic rosters from the last two tournaments (banzuke).
This is what I ended up with:
Here is an e-banzuke (picture roster) picture of recent tournament-winner Yokozuna Asashoryu.
My father-in-law frequents a sushi restaurant near his house. At this restaurant, they are big supporters of a local professional rikishi named Buyuzan. Through this place, my father-in-law has access to these rosters (banzuke) with the stamp of Buyuzan's stable (beya) on them. They came in the mail from Japan recently.
Here are a few cute baby pictures from today. Kenny was playing around in the kitchen.
Baby likes to make this "surprised face" when he hears the theme song to his favorite TV show "Peekaboo" ("Inai Inai Ba!"), he also makes this face when he hears the theme to "The Simpsons."