Published on January 28, 2005 By Jamie Burnside In Misc

It seems as if one of the old jokes is dead.

I told this one to a group of first-graders at my school:

Me: Guess what?

Kids: What?

Me: That's what.

Kids: (Stunned silence.)

When I was a first-grader, this joke killed.  It doesn't seem to have the same effect these days.

on Jan 28, 2005

you need to get with the times man!  

You:  You know what?

Kids:   What?

You:   Chicken Butt

(kids will laugh here and you can continue if you want)

You:  Do you know why?

Kids:  Why?

You:  Chicken Thigh

(more laughing)


on Jan 28, 2005
Ah, the old "chicken butt" to evoke laughter! It worked on me--but the "guess what" joke ruled in my day as well.

Welcome back, Jeremy.