A new discovery.
Published on October 30, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Personal Relationships
Hello there and happy Thursday!

It is rainy/ sleety/ snowy/ windy here. I don't think that the kids will have too much fun Trick or Treating tomorrow night unless they wear their ponchos.

One of the most exciting peices of news in my life is that I have discovered a WONDERFUL website which helps early elementary school-aged children learn to read. The name of the website is starfall.com (www.starfall.com.) It is a fantastic place to have students read and practice with sight words, phonics, and basic decoding skills. The coolest part is that Starfall also sends out free materials that are related to the website for classroom teachers. (No postage, no nothing!)

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Maybe we're being brainwashed and at the end of the program we'll all want to become Scientologists or something like that. Regardless of that remote possibility, I highly recommend this site for those of you who want to teach reading and writing to kids. It has a really good visual representation of how the "silent e" works. Give it a try!

Another website that I would like to recommend for those of you who like to play trivia games is www.talkcity.com. I usually spend a half-hour to an hour in the "India" chatroom playing trivia (maybe more if I'm being bad and not going to bed on time.) It is an awful lot of fun to play. Look for me. My nickname is "ChipperPrime."

Okay! I have to get back to work. I have to get some stuff ready for my cute little kindergarteners!

Bye Bye!

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