October 28, 2003
Published on October 28, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Personal Relationships
Today is a Tuesday.

I had the day off of work yesterday because I wanted to go to the hospital with Kazuko to have our baby checked-out. He seems to be doing fine, but he is still in the breech position. It doesn't look like he will be able to turn, so he'll have to come out via cesarian section. No matter what, I am really looking forward to seeing him.

Last week, I spent most of my time at work giving my students a test. The test is called the TEST of EMERGING ACADEMIC ENGLISH (or TEAE for short.) It is a pretty difficult test which is used to track the language development of the ESL students that I work with. Sometimes I feel as it is a device that was designed to humiliate students with little-or-no language ability.

Just like coming back from a vacation, I was a little rusty as I started teaching my regular lessons again today. Going back to teaching after giving a long test is just like starting classes up again after Christmas vacation. The good news however is that I was able to get a lot of lesson plans written as the kids were taking their tests. Now I have more time to concentrate on my "other" duties and issues as they present themselves.

Tonight is our last baby-preparation class. We may do some breathing and relaxation exercizes. We'll also watch a few videos, talk about stuff, etc. I am really ready for some hands-on experience.

Thanks for visiting my weblog. See you again soon!

You can visit my website at: http://www.geocities.com/chipperprime/index.html
on Oct 28, 2003
"It doesn't look like he will be able to turn, so he'll have to come out via cesarian section."

You may want to look into guided visualization, many women have been able to trun their babies around using it.
