Published on February 15, 2004 By Jamie Burnside In Pets & Nature
Hello there friends.

I hope that you're having a nice day. I enjoyed day 2 of my three-day weekend. They're such a pleasure, aren't they.

Today my wife suggested that we go outside to build an igloo. I thought that was a FANTASTIC idea. I hadn't tried that in many years. Once Kenny fell asleep, we brought the baby monitor outside and started piling-up the snow in the yard next to the garage. We made a pretty big mound. After we piled up enough snow, we started hollowing out the pile. By the time we were (almost) finished, we could both sit inside.

Then, while I was doing the last little bit of snow-removal inside, the igloo collapsed on me. How disappointing. I was just about to light a candle and sit inside for a few minutes with my wife.

Kazuko and I decided to give it another shot tomorrow. My wife went inside to make lunch, while I piled up some more snow on the collapsed igloo for when we try again tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to take a picture inside the igloo for tomorrow's weblog.

Here's what we'll have to start with tomorrow. We have a lot more snow piled-up than we did the first time. Hopefully we'll have better results tomorrow.

Of course, I was able to take some pictures of baby Kentaro today too:

Kazuko put a cute outfit on Kenny today. The way his hat is on in this picture makes him look like a bishop.

Mommy and the baby. Mommy has a new hairstyle. It is short now. Cute,

Kenny is hanging out on the floor.

on Feb 15, 2004
your igloo....not too impressive. Sorry it didn't work out for ya.

on Feb 15, 2004
Kenny looks like he is feeling much better, that makes me happy. Tell Kazuko that I like her new hair. I went to the beach today but there was a jellyfish warning, so I just helped keep the sand securely on the ground below me. luv ya bro
on Feb 16, 2004
Kazuko - you look fantastic with your new hair cut! Do you like it, too?

You two are so awesome building your igloo! You are the funnest people on the planet. I hope the igloo you try to build today goes better. Here's something my sisters and I used to do when we tried to build forts and igloos. I don't know if it works or not but it seemed high-tech to us when we were little and we were convinced it was the answer. Maybe some of your other blog readers can comment on their experience. We would always bring a spray bottle of water out with us. We'd spray the inside of the igloo as we went to attempt to create a thin layer of ice on the inside.

Good luck! Can't wait to see pictures of the new and improved igloo.

Also, I like Kenny's Bishop look.
on Feb 16, 2004
I wish you guys could see Tommy's igloo. He started on it after the first big snow a few weeks ago and got the dome on it last night. It is big enough to put a cot in it to sleep in, which he tried last night. It is also about 14 feet tall. He was building a tourett (sp?) at first but decided to dome it in the end. What he did was blow the snow into long rows a week ago. These have harden enough that he saws out big blocks to set upon each other. He said you have to go around and do a complete layer before you start on the next. He was also doing something with water, but what I am not sure. He reinforced his entry with a heavy metal table and plywood so that if it does cave in his way out will not. I will try to borrow a digital camera and send you a picture, but I need your email address.
Your family is soo cute. You are a lucky man.
on Feb 19, 2004
Your son looks like such a happy baby! Then again, how many infants do you know living in Minnesota whose parents build igloos with them?