Published on November 10, 2003 By Jamie Burnside In Home & Family
Hey there friends. I hope that your day is going well.

It is lunchtime here in Elk River, Minnesota. I think that the menu reads "Pizza Burgers." We'll see how those taste!

After lunch I am going to have an important meeting, then I will probably be on my way home. We'll see how it all shakes out.

Did you see the Christmas lights? Scroll down. Kazuko and I put them up yesterday. That was a lot of fun. They look so pretty in the dark! I think that I am enjoying my assimilation into suburban lifestyle.

Only two days left until Kentaro is born. How exciting! The doctor is going to get him at seven in the morning. I hope that everything goes well. It is hard to concentrate on much else with such a big event looming on the horizon. I hope that I can make it through today and tomorrow.

Tonight there is a two-hour Joe Millionaire. I hope that something interesting happens. That is my first "The Bachelor"-type reality show. It certainly is a guilty pleasure. Nobody has written back to me about their favorite entrants! Does anybody have any favorites? Does anybody care?

I hope to hear a lot from my dear readers once "American Idol 3" starts up. When does that start anyway?

Alright my friends, out to lunch and then back to work!

Mata, ne!
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