Published on August 6, 2005 By Jamie Burnside In Entertainment

Recently my wife and I changed cable TV providers.  With the change, I was able to pick up some channels that I have been wanting for a long time.  The two biggest pluses were to get the VH1 Classic Channel, and the Boomerang (rerun cartoon) channel.  -Sadly I had to lose one of my favorites: The Game Show Network.

On VH1 Classics they have a show called "Metal Mania" where they play the kind of music I loved in high school and college.  Tonight I saw an Alice Cooper (House of Fire) video, as well as ones by Ozzy (Shot in the Dark) and Dio (Rainbow in the Dark.)  Cool stuff (for me.)

That "Mania" program is worth putting on my DVR so I can watch the show, while filtering through the boring (or obnoxious) videos.

Until recently having only MTV, MTV2, and VH1, I forgot how much fun an actual music video channel can be.


That Alice Cooper stuff when he worked with Desmond Child was brilliant.

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