Published on August 19, 2005 By Jamie Burnside In Home & Family

I have a few photos to post.  There may be little relation between them, so this is a miscellaneous photo post.

I have been pulling lots of tomatoes out of my garden lately.  I have given a few away, sold some, and have eaten a lot.  I may try to make some salsa out of future tomatoes.

This is what my biggest tomato looked like sliced up on a plate.  That was a big one.

Kenny is crazy about sharks (and dinosaurs) lately.  He is looking at a book about sharks at the bookstore.  We bought him a shark book and a video.  He has been crazy about them ever since the last "Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel.  He likes books and pictures about sharks, as well as the "Misterjaw" cartoon during the Pink Panther show.

Kenny has also been into the computer lately.  He likes the stuff od the Noggin and the Nick Jr. websites.  He likes Noggin's "Move to the Music" songs, what he calls "Oobi dance", and some of the Backyardigans' songs.  (Those Backyardigans songs are REALLY catchy!)

He is waiting for me to start the "Oobi Dance":

Dancing the Oobi dance.

I got to pose with baby Madeline at United Noodle today.  She gets cuter and cuter.

on Aug 21, 2005
Kenny reading the shark book is my favorite picture.
NWA is on strike
Dena back is back in Hawaii as of Wednesday - classes begin Monday