Published on November 29, 2005 By Jamie Burnside In Current Events

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I heard an interesting thing on the radio.  The station that I was listening to played an interview clip of former Cowboys' Wide Receiver Michael Irvin, commenting  on his recent drug-related arrest.

The radio mentioned that he was found to be in possession of a crack pipe when pulled over for speeding.  (However FOXSports referrs to it being a "marijuana pipe".)  Of course, Irvin claims that "it isn't mine, it is my brother's."  (Allegedly he used the word "brother" figuratively" -as in: the pipe didn't belong to his actual brother.)

In the audio clip, Irvin told a winding story about how he had a friend (with a history of drug problems)over for Thanksgiving dinner.  Upon meeting his friend at the door, Irvin claimed to have found the pipe while hugging/patting-down his friend at the door.  (Irvin said that he patted his guest down under the premise that he was actually hugging said friend.)

Of course, since there were children in his house, Irvin allegedly insisted that the pipe be kept safe.  In his car... where, ultimately it had been lost and forgotten until the time of his arrest.  (It is funny how often those crack pipes mysteriously get lost and forgotten about under car seats.  I should look under my car seat.  Who knows what I'll find under there...)

The most amazing thing about this story is that Irvin tells it to reporters while maintaining a straight face.  I wonder whether he felt that anyone would believe this outrageous story.  By spinning such a yarn, it seems that he'd be drawing more attention to the whole situation, rather than by offering "no comment."  Now he comes off as some sort scheister that we'd see on the Judge Judy show.

If anyone knows where I can add a link to the statement, please deposit it in my "comments" section.  The clip is really quite amazing.

on Nov 30, 2005
"I'm holding it for a friend" didn't work when I was a high school student, and it shouldn't work for a convicted drug user. Irvin has enough experience to know not to be AROUND the stuff!

Nice try, Michael. Ain't buyin' it, though.