My favorite quote from 2005 comes from Roger Ebert's July 8 review of the movie "The Fantastic Four."

In describing The Thing, Ebert writes: " But the Thing looks like Don Rickles crossed with Mt. Rushmore; he has a body that feels like a driveway and a face with crevices you could hide a toothbrush in. "

I love that.  "...Don Rickles crossed with Mt. Rushmore;..."  Funny.

on Dec 30, 2005
Focus on the Family founder and chairman James C. Dobson:
Same-sex marriage would lead to "marriage between daddies and little girls ... between a man and his donkey."
[Focus on the Family radio program, 10/6/05]
on Dec 30, 2005
"I voted for the 86 billion before I voted against it" hanoijohn kerry
on Jan 01, 2006
My favorite quote from 2005 was stated by a commentator who I can not remember the name of: He said that 2005 was a banner year for BS. Anyway, the announcer works on CBS morning news (National).
on Jan 01, 2006
I have a few actually ....

"You know if I had nickel for every time Bush has mentioned 9/11, I could raise enough reward money to go after Bin Laden." --Jon Stewart

"Usually the way it works is people prostitute themselves after they become reporters." --Jeff Gannon

and finally...

Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind -- we wish him well." --a fox spokesperson, I forget the persons name..