Click here for my latest article Tonight's show featured the rest of the auditions that hadn't previously made it on to television. Most of tonight's auditions were good, with a few poor ones thrown in. Those who made it : Tami Gosnell: pulls a cart for a living. Has a unique, plain-Jane appeal. Is an awfully good singer as well. I think that this one may stick around for a while. Paul Kim: took William Hung as sort of an "inspiration" inasmuch as&...
Click here for my latest article Link Tonight's episode featured the final audition stop in San Antonio, Texas. After tomorrow's audition highlights show, the competition will finally move on to Hollywood, where the fun will begin. The Contestants: Haley Scarnato: Former wedding band singer. Nice look, and a reasonably good singer. I really liked her. The judges were a bit lukewarm on her. I have a feeling that she'll sneak into the next round (after Hollywood). Jasmine H...
Click here for my latest article After tonight there will be only one more audition show. Following that will be the Hollywood/ group round, and then (my favorite) the sound stage round. I enjoyed tonight's Los Angeles auditions. The judges seemed relaxed, the show was one hour long, and they only showed three contestants who made it to the next round. These kind of shows make it easy for me to relax while still taking notes. Tonight's notables: Alaina Alexander: a young lad...
Click here for my latest article So this morning (or last night) as I was logging in to MSN Messenger, I came across a "featured" video. I saw a music video for the song "Fidelity" by a young lady named Regina Spektor. After watching the video, I thought to myself: "Meh. This song is okaaay , but not great." I did have the sneaking suspicion that it is the type of song that tends to grow on a person. Sure enough, I caught myself humming the song earlier this even...
Click here for my latest article. In my 4th or 5th year of writing about Idol, (I didn't start writing about season two until really late,) the audition rounds are the hardest to write about. Lots of the contestants at this point are either very poor, or not taking things seriously. I don't really want to write about the never-will-bes, so I've decided to skip all but the most noticeable this year. Out of the contestants that we saw on tonight's show, I was impres...
Click here for my latest article The Idol Memphis auditions were aired last night. For the first time in this young season, we were presented with contestants who were memorable, and above-average in likability. Sundance Head: Looks like Sundance will be the first fan-favorite of the season. He sang very well, and he seems to be a very nice young man. My biggest concern is that since he has a famous parent, portions of the audience may not relate to (a...
Click here for my latest article Tonight's auditions in Seattle seemed to go just as poorly as the ones in Minneapolis. At the end of the show it was announced that only 14 contestants from Seattle were sent on to the next round. That isn't many! Of those who weren't selected, my favorite has to have been white-haired, gold sheen shirt-wearing Darwin "Mischa" Reedy. Despite an interesting appearance and questionable singing, I was impressed at her graciousness in reject...
Click here for my latest article: Last night we were having some issues. The MOXI DVR (like a TiVo) at our house is broken. (Cable guy just called and said that he'll be to our house within 20 minutes.) We had to watch the show real-time, fuzzy, with all of the commercials, and with two small children causing numerous distractions. Thankfully we will be able to watch the show tonight AFTER the kids go to bed. I'll tell you: those DVRs really change a person's tele...
The sixth season of "American Idol" will start on Tuesday. I am looking forward to that. As usual, I intend to offer weekly recaps and opinions. I will have to get prepared to take notes while watching the show..
So the other day as I was listening to the radio, I heard the song "Lazy Eye" by the Silversun Pickups. I thought that the song was excellent, and have since watched a number of their videos on their website, and on youtube. Seems as if they're an up-and-coming band. To me, the sound that they make reminds me a lot of (another one of my favorites) Liz Phair. In fact I was a little surprised to find out that the singer from the band is actually a man. The guy sounds...
Over the past three days my wife and I have been catching up on May's episodes of ER. ER is always known for airing breathtakingly dramatic, frenetic, and/or shocking episodes during sweeps. I think that the most memorable of the sweeps episodes was in season one, when Doctor Green was having an exceptionally hard time delivering a baby, whose mother ultimately died. These last few episodes however have pulled out all of the stops. This is what I have seen on TV over the past three evenings:...
Click here for my latest article Tonight's results' show crowned Taylor Hicks the winner of season five. Going into last night's finale, I thought that the competition was Katharine's to lose. Unfortunately for her, Taylor came on strong last night. No real outrage. No matter which one would have won, they'll both have nice music careers. Season 4's final two-hour spectacular was really good with surprise guests and performances from the last twelve finalists. Thi...
Well, for some reason the site is down. That stinks. I'll have to cut and paste this article once JoeUser is up again. Tonight's results' show crowned Taylor Hicks the winner of season five. Going into last night's finale, I thought that the competition was Katharine's to lose. Unfortunately for her, Taylor came on strong last night. No real outrage. No matter which one would have won, they'll both have nice music careers. Season 4's final two-hour spectacular was really good wit...
Click here for my latest article The best news from tonight's show didn't happen during any of the performances. The best news for me was that Gordon Ramsey's "Hell's Kitchen" will be brought back again for a second season. That'll be fun, as I really enjoyed the first run. Tonight's final featured each contestant singing two of their favorites from the competition, plus a third song which was written originally for each contestant. Song Number One: Katharine sang "...
Click here for my latest article As soon as last night's show went off the air, I was on my computer. I had intended to write a "breaking news" style report on the results' show. Sadly, JoeUser wasn't working properly, and I was unable to post. Then, I forgot about posting the results. That's the way these things go. So anyway, after what seemed to be very close voting results (the three contestants were each within a percentage point of each other), Elliott found...